contemporary art - beeldende kunst 

gonda deenen



I'm proud to announce I now work together with TIPA "Best Photolab Worldwide" award winning White Wall to make my art available as print.
This opens up so much possiblities; customising my art to your needs.
I can offer better resolution than Saatchi, because they are understandable limited in upload size.

Shipping is directly from White Wall to you, so safe packaging is guaranteed. And White Wall ships all over the globe, so just place your order through my website and I'll make shure White Wall works it's magic making galley and museum quality prints.

You'll have an original high quality artwork on your wall for a fair price. Find out more here!

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After a considerable break, I am making more artwork again and with much delight.

I never stopped but because life happens, it was at a much lower pace and I didn't have the time / energy to update the website, too. Sometimes a break is what you need to take some distance and overthink the path you are taking…

Anyway, I’m glad to announce more work will be available soon. Probably next month? Actually I can’t wait, but as a wise one once said:
“Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast.”(W. Shakespeare)

Check out my website and Saatchi soon for more details!


Na een flinke pauze, ben ik weer met veel plezier kunstige werken aan het maken.

Ik ben nooit gestopt, maar omdat het leven nu eenmaal gebeurt, ging het in een veel lager tempo en had ik niet de tijd / energie om ook de website bij te werken. Soms is een pauze net wat je nodig hebt om even afstand te nemen..

Hoe dan ook,  ik ben blij om aan te kondigen dat er binnenkort meer werk beschikbaar zal zijn. Waarschijnlijk volgende maand? Eigenlijk kan ik niet wachten, maar zoals een wijs iemand ooit zei:
"Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast."(W. Shakespeare)

Kijk binnenkort op mijn website en Saatchi voor meer info!

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Born in 1974, my roots in beautiful Brabant. Grew up with my father and mother, two brothers and a sister, where I was the benjamin.
From an early age on, I thought the world was a magical place (still is). I read every book I could find in the library about nature, dinosaurs, fossils and ancient Egyptians.
I also loved to read  Dr.Seuss,  and when people asked; what do you want to be when you grow up? My answer always was: Indiana Jones.


At the Willem de Kooning (art) Academy (1993-1996) in Rotterdam I've really learned to look more, from different angles.
And as a former geography (museum)teacher I ask questions and like to zoom in and out at the world and all its wonders.
I think questions are most important, so is doubt.

Some of the teachers at the Willem de Kooning art acadamy that I had the privilege to learn from: Ewerdt Hilgemann, Burgert Konijnendijk, Otto Egberts, Kees Verschuren

my inspiration

Besides my geographical view on things, I'm inspired by the drama and melancholy of life, the beauty in both science and nature and the tension between these two worlds that sometimes can be surprisingly alike.

Besides my interest in nature, science and art, I have a great love for (natural) history, in the broadest sense.

my work

Mostly my work is 2D (drawing, photography, painting, digital-art), sometimes 3D (all kinds of materials), sometimes both. It's just what the story needs at that time.

I live and work with my guy, two kids, a big red cat and two fluffy rabbits in Rijen, The Netherlands

Expo 2020

Me and my work at an expo called "Kunst in Vrijheid" meaning "Art in Freedom" january 11 - febuary 9, 2020.


Please note that all works and text on this site are copyrighted and use of them in any form is only legal with my written permission.
All pictures/works/texts are certified. Thank you for understanding.


Alle afbeeldingen en tekst op mijn website zijn auteursrechtelijk beschermd, en gebruikmaking in enigerlei vorm is dan ook uitsluitend legaal mogelijk is met mijn schriftelijke toestemming.
Alle foto's/werken/teksten zijn gecertificeerd. Dankjewel voor je begrip.